Monday, January 11th, 2016

Spelling Words-More Prefixes

Prefix or Suffix? Video

  1. misplace
  2. mismatch
  3. mistreat
  4. preschool
  5. prepare
  6. preheat
  7. incorrect
  8. nonstop
  9. injustice
  10. nonsense

Division Update

Students have been learning and using many different division strategies. Some students like to use counters to help them. For example, if the problem is 27 divided by 3, the student would count out 27 counters and split up those 27 counters into 3 equal groups. Then, the student would count up how many counters are in each group. When he/she counts 9, they know 27 divided by 3 is 9. Some students would rather use drawings. An example of this is, if the problem was 27 divided by 3, the student would draw 3 circles representing 3 groups. Then, the student would equally divide 27 by putting a dot in each of the 3 groups until 27 dots are divided equally between the 3 circles. Finally, the student would count 9 dots in each circle. Therefore, arriving at the same answer, 27 divided by 9 is 3.

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The next math test will be early next week. 

Language Arts-Making Plurals

The students in room 122 have been working on making plural words. In the pictures below, the students were given a singular noun and they had to make it plural. Before making the nouns plural, the students were introduced and practiced various ways to make a singular noun plural: just add s, add es, change y to i and then add es, and change the word (irregular plurals).

Just add s: tree–> trees

Add es: church–>churches

Change y to i, then add es: baby–>babies

Irregular Plural: woman–>women

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Do you have any extra glasses in your cabinets that you have been meaning to get rid of? If so, we will gladly take them off your hands for the Arno Fun Fair! Please have your child bring any glass donations to school. The Arno Fun Fair will be on Saturday, February 6th, from 11am-2pm. More information about the Arno Fun Fair will be sent home soon.

Homework Helper

  • Finish any unfinished classwork
  • Read Animal Fact/Animal Fable and answer the ten comprehension questions (Due Thursday) AnimalFactAnimalFable
  • Study weekly spelling words (Test Thursday)
  • Practice addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division facts
  • Do Front Row Math Session & Reading Story
  • Complete 3 Headsprout reading episodes throughout the week
  • Weekly Math Homework  (Due by Thursday) Add Whole Numbers

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